Tuesday 2 October 2007

Fate vs. Freewill

People determine their fate by the choices they make. No one knows their fate in life. We make decisions everyday which lead us to our fate. The outcome of our fates, whether they are good or bad, result from the decisions we make. For example, people who drive even though they are sleepy. They have the choice to drive dangerously or not to drive at all. If they get in a car crash and die, their fate was bad. However, their decision to drive led them to their horrible fate.
If I had to choose between freewill or fate, I would choose freewill. If we do not have freewill, then we cannot make choices. But everyday we make choices. During Christmas season, little kids choose whether to be good or act bad. Parents choose to give presents to their children or not to give them any presents. We live our lives on the decisions we make. People choose to work hard and become successful while others choose to slack off and become hobos. I believe life is all about freewill. My fate will be determined on the decisions I make.

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