Wednesday 19 September 2007

Live or Die

People say life is short. I agree with them. I try to make my life as interesting and exciting as possible because I know that life is limited. When I become older, I want to reflect on how happy and thrilling my life has been. Life should not be wasted. No matter how long I live, there will always be something I wish I could have done or had. Everyday seems too short. I often wish I could go back in time and revisit certain events. I wish time could be extended. Sometimes at night I stay up late because I don't have enough time to finish my homework. When I go on vacations I wish that my trips could be longer. I want to live my life as long as I possibly can.

I would prefer having a long healthy life over a short famous one. If I only lived to my early twenties, I would be missing so many years of life. In those missing years, I could have raised a family or visited places all around the world. Think of all the exciting possibilities or events that I would never experience if I only lived to my early twenties. Fame is not important to me. Even though becoming an idol of the world and making history sounds nice, I think that my life would be way too stressed. Everyone would be watching me and there would be no time for rest. I would be on T.V. everyday. I do not like this because I like to have some privacy. If I became insanely famous, I would be on YouTube. I do not enjoy having so much attention. For me, a short famous life would cause too many problems. I would much rather prefer the plain and simple life.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Remember when....assignment #5

Calvin and Hobbes is my favorite comic book series. I remember when I was about eight I got my first Calvin and Hobbes comic book. I enjoyed reading the comics so much that I started collecting them. Now I have five or six Calvin and Hobbes books. The funniest comics I can remember are the many times Calvin gets into fights with his babysitter. Calvin purposely harasses the babysitter which leads to their numerous arguments. I enjoyed how Calvin would always argue with his babysitter to stay up later or watch more TV. Some other scenes that I found amusing were the scenes when Calvin would fight with his classmate Susie. Whenever Calvin is at school, he is always trying to find a way to get Susie in trouble. Calvin hates Susie because she is smart and he is not. I liked Calvin's mean tricks and lazy behavior. When I was younger, I hated reading. Calvin and Hobbes was an excuse that I used on my parents to tell them that I was productively reading.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

For many people, including most westerners, two opposites are never thought of as being together. Good does not come with evil. In our western mentality, we have a tendency to separate ideas. The first thing that comes to mind when we think of old people is death, not being born to eternal life. We seldom take the time to look at things from a different perspective. Old people are not always about to die. Why not associate them with happy people who are continuing to look for eternal life, instead of jumping to the gloomy thought of permanent death?

The main thought behind this philosophy is that opposites can be contained in each other. Sins aren’t always full of hate, but can bear forgiveness. A baby doesn’t have to be thought of as young, but can be looked upon as containing an old person. The yin yang symbol embraces this idea. The two opposite colors of black and white are inside each other. Don’t think in opposites, but group ideas and things together.