Tuesday 27 November 2007

Evil Blog

I believe that everybody is born the same. No one is born evil. I think environment influences people's evil behavior. People who witness robberies, rapes, and murders, are more likely to copy these evil actions and behave violently. People who live in the middle of nowhere are more likely to be peaceful and less violent. I believe evil actions are learned. Many people base their actions on their surroundings and what they observe other people doing. Certain people might act cruel because their friends are being mean and they want to fit in with their peer groups. Boys are more likely to be intentionally harmful because they want to feel tough and in control. Many people have more opportunities to be evil than others. Bullies seek any chance they get to bother somebody and be annoying. Some people are born with power and therefore have plenty of opportunities to be cruel are are more likely to be cruel. Others are born to a lower status and being evil might only generate more problems. These people are more likely to be kind because being nice has rewarded them in past experiences.

Friday 9 November 2007

Why love is complex

When I hear the word love I first think of two people getting married. They are happy because they have found true love. I also think of loving your family. Parents loving their children and their siblings. Love can be comforting, but can also be harmful. Constantly wanting people to love you and being overly obsessed with them can be painful. For example in Song of Solomon, Hagar is crazy over Milkman. When Milkman leaves her, she falls apart. She is desperate for love and as a result she is miserable.

I believe there are different degrees of love. The love for your family will probably be the strongest. Next might be the love for your friends and the people in your neighborhood. People show deep love for their pets as well. "Dog is a man's best friend." Love does not have to be for humans or animals, but for activities such as sports. Most of the time I love playing soccer. Soldiers fight because they love their country. They are proud to fight for their people.

Love is often unclear, hidden, and paradoxical. Many children love their parents, but hate them at the same time. Siblings are always getting into fights. Brothers may claim they hate their sisters, but deep down inside they know they love each other.